Funding Opportunities

The Vanier Institute of the Family is a national, independent, charitable organization committed to enhancing family wellbeing by making information about families accessible and actionable. Positioned at the centre of networks of researchers, educators, policymakers, and organizations with an interest in families, we share evidence and strengthen the understanding of families in Canada, in all their diversities, to support evidence-informed decisions that promote family wellbeing.

We invest in building skills and experience among family scholars to help ensure a strong knowledge base to inform the development of programs, services, and policies that can contribute to family wellbeing. We aim to support knowledge creation, advancement, and mobilization by making opportunities available to researchers with an interest in families in Canada.

Our programs are guided by the Family Diversities and Wellbeing Framework as a way to ensure that families in Canada, in all their diversities, are recognized and celebrated.

Current funding opportunities

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