About the Vanier Institute of the Family
The Vanier Institute of the Family is a national, independent think tank committed to enhancing family wellbeing by making information about families accessible and actionable. Positioned at the centre of networks of researchers, educators, policymakers, and organizations with an interest in families, we share evidence and strengthen the understanding of families in Canada, in all their diversities, to support evidence-based decisions that promote family wellbeing.
Our mission
To advance the understanding of wellbeing of families in Canada in all their diversities, recognizing that families are at the core of a healthy and inclusive society.
Our vision
A Canada that recognizes and supports the central role of families in society and invests in strengthening and being inclusive of their diverse expressions.
Our values
We share rigorous, non-partisan, knowledge-based information that is informed by evidence.
Diversity and inclusion
We recognize and foster the contributions, presence, and perspectives of different groups of people.
We monitor current issues facing diverse families in Canada and provide accessible and timely information resources for knowledge users.
Capacity development
We invest in building skills and experience among family scholars.
We engage with knowledge creators and knowledge users to encourage and promote new understandings of diverse family experiences and to motivate policy change.
Our Theory of Change
So that every family in Canada is recognized, supported, and celebrated, we:

Mobilize credible and accurate information about family wellbeing in Canada

Build capacity of scholars and emerging professionals to support the study of families in Canada

Deepen our relationships with media, government, and academics

Develop meaningful connections to amplify the voices of groups that represent marginalized identities

Engage policymakers and advocate for inclusive and equitable policies for all families

Promote a broad range of perspectives among Board and staff through diversity and representation practices aligned with our values

Centre our mission and values when telling our own story
Our Theory of Change was developed with the support of Openly, a Certified B Corporation. Read the full Theory of Change and measurement framework.
The Vanier team
The Vanier team is composed of a small group of professional staff supported by a national Board of Directors.
Programs and partnerships
Collaboration and partnerships are central to our approach. We engage and work with organizations and people from academia, the charitable sector, government, labour, and diverse communities to support family wellbeing. This allows us to leverage our respective strengths, enhance our capacity, and extend our reach.
Reimagining care/work policies
A research program committed to expanding possibilities
for policies, practices, and meanings of care/work for families in Canada.
Families matter
Build capacity among family researchers to address topics important to the family of military, Veteran, and public safety personnel.
UN sustainable development goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a framework for action that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
International Year of the Family
In 2024, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the United Nations International Year of the Family.
60 years of the Vanier Institute
Every family has its own unique history. The same is true of the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has been studying families and family life across Canada for nearly 60 years.

Annual reports
As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, and to meet our responsibilities as a registered charity, the Vanier Institute publishes an annual report and audited financial statements for public review.