November 7, 2023
Knowledge Snapshot: Perspectives of Indigenous Families on Early Learning and Childcare in Urban Settings
Summary of a study on Indigenous families’ thoughts on early learning and childcare in urban settings
November 7, 2023
High-quality early learning and childcare programs (ELCC) and services are key components in closing equity gaps for Indigenous children and families. There has been growing discussion about the role that ELCC programs and services can play in supporting the wellbeing of Indigenous children and families in Canada.
As the number of Indigenous families living in urban settings continues to grow, there has been increasing pressure on early learning environments to provide Indigenous-focused programming. Ensuring that these programs and services support Indigenous children and families as intended requires discussion and agreement on what constitutes “high quality.”
This research investigated how Indigenous families thought of and understood the quality of ELCC, and what qualities educators should possess to address the needs of Indigenous children and families.
This research builds on our growing understanding of the Family Identity component of the Vanier Institute’s Family Diversities and Wellbeing Framework.
Freeborn, C., Mardhani-Bayne, A., & Soetaert, C. (2023). Quality and educator dispositions for Indigenous families in the urban early learning and childcare context: A scoping review. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy (ICEP), 17(6). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40723-023-00108-5
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