Capacity development
We invest in building skills and experience among family scholars.

Our commitment
In keeping with our founders’ vision to serve as a “Royal Commission on the family that should never be discharged,” the Vanier Institute is committed to ensuring the sustainability, depth, and strength of Canada’s family research sector.
Our approach
We nurture current and future generations of family researchers and others with an interest in families by providing placement and internship opportunities for students and graduates in family research and knowledge mobilization. We also provide funding to support early career scholars’ participation in conferences and other networking events.
doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows and provide training in knowledge mobilization
a summer public policy internship annually to an exceptional undergraduate student
opportunities to share research findings and advance knowledge mobilization skills for Family Studies scholars
Capacity development projects

Internships and summer work for undergraduate students

Postdoctoral fellowships

Travel funding opportunities

Secondary data analysis grant
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