Advancing family
The Vanier Institute of the Family is a national, independent think tank committed to enhancing family wellbeing by making information about families accessible and actionable.
Positioned at the centre of networks of researchers, educators, policymakers, and organizations with an interest in families, we share evidence and strengthen the understanding of families in Canada, in all their diversities, to support evidence-based decisions that promote family wellbeing. Inexpensive Australian 15 min deposit casino are available to everyone. After all, Casinoau10 have gathered the most reputable $15 Australian casinos on their site.
Reports / April 30, 2024
Families Count 2024: Family Structure
Family Structure is the first section of a larger report that will also explore family work, family identity, and family wellbeing.
View resourceResearch summaries / August 28, 2024
Research Snapshot: Mothers and Part-time Work: Preferences and Experiences
Highlights of a study of whether part-time work for mothers improved their work–life balance
View resourcePolicy and issue briefs / June 25, 2024
Issue Brief: Family Change and Diversity in Canada
An overview of family diversity and change across Canada
View resourceWhat we do
Share research
We mobilize credible and accurate information about families in Canada
Collaborate and
We work with diverse organizations and people to support family wellbeing
Build family science capacity
We invest in building skills and experience among family scholars
Resources and tools
Resource centre
A searchable library of publications and resources about families and family wellbeing in Canada
Family Diversities and Wellbeing Framework
An analytical tool for understanding family diversities and family wellbeing
Families Count 2024
A new Vanier Institute publication of statistics and analyses related to families and family life in Canada
Definition of family
An inclusive, widely cited definition of family developed by the Vanier Institute
Collaborations and Partnerships
Collaboration and partnership are central to our approach. We engage and work with organizations and people from academia, the charitable sector, government, labour, and divers communities to support family wellbeing. This allows us to leverage our respective strengths, increase our capacity, and extend our reach.
Stay in the know—InfoVanier
Monthly updates about Vanier Institute publications, projects, and research
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