Sustainable Development Goal 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth

For most families, work is central to family life. As the main source of financial support in households across Canada, employment is closely linked with – and can be an indicator of – well-being for individuals, families, communities and society as a whole.
But not all jobs are equal, and the quality of one’s employment can have a significant impact on individual and family well-being, whether it’s because of the nature of the job itself (e.g. dangerous work, highly mobile jobs that separate families for long and/or unpredictable periods), the flexibility required from the employee for the position (e.g. erratic or unpredictable schedules) or its degree of stability (i.e. precariousness). Furthermore, socio-economic inequalities are reflected in labour patterns, with marginalized groups – such as people living with disabilities, recent immigrants and visible minorities – experiencing disproportionately low incomes and labour force participation rates.
The Decent Work and Economic Growth goal aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. Stable and well-paid jobs for all Canadians, regardless of gender, age, race, family status or socio-economic background, are key to helping families thrive in their communities; they contribute to economic prosperity and can play an important role in supporting family well-being.
Key facts and statistics:
- In 2018, 13% of employed Canadians worked in a temporary job in 2018, up slightly from 12% in 1998.
- In 2018, on average, temporary employees earned less per hour (-27%) and worked fewer weekly hours (-5.5 hours) than permanent employees.
- In 2018, 12% of employed Canadians aged 25 to 54 worked part-time, with women three times more likely than men to work part-time (18% vs. 6%).
- In 2018, 1.1 million Canadians worked multiple jobs.
- In 2017, part-time workers aged 25 to 54 were nearly three times as likely to report working multiple jobs as those working full-time (14% and 5%).
- In 2018, one in 10 employees in Canada (10%) earned minimum wage, double the rate in 1998 (5%).
Source: Statistics Canada
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