
Families Matter

The Vanier Institute of the Family has partnered with Heidi Cramm of Queen’s University on the Families Matter partnership development project.

Families matter research group logo

The Vanier Institute of the Family has partnered with Heidi Cramm of Queen’s University on the Families Matter partnership development project.

Other partners on the grant are the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) and the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment (CIPSRT).

Research Focus

To collaborate with a range of research, policy, and front-line partners to develop required research and training infrastructure in Canada that will focus and accelerate family research with the lens of occupational risk and requirement.


A grant of $199,628 was received from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) through its Partnership Development Grant, which supports the development of formal partnerships between academic researchers, businesses, and other partners that advance knowledge and understanding of critical issues of intellectual, social, economic, and cultural importance.

Project Timeline

The project runs from 2021 through August 2024.

Vanier Institute’s Role

Partner organization

Project Lead

Heidi Cramm, PhD, OT Reg. (Ontario)
Associate Professor, Queen’s University

Project Collaborators and Partners

Alyson Mahar, PhD (University of Manitoba)

Deborah Norris, PhD (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Joy MacDermid, PhD (Western University)

David Pedlar, PhD (CIMVHR)

Nicholas Carleton, PhD (University of Regina, CIPSRT)

Paul Charbonneau (The Vanier Institute of the Family)

Denise Dubois, PhD (Queen’s University)

Nicola T. Fear, PhD (King’s College London)

Nick Jones, PhD (University of Regina, CIPSRT)

Vanier Lead

Margo Hilbrecht, PhD