June 13, 2023

Vanier Board and Team Meet for Day of Reflection and Planning

The Vanier Institute hosts board meeting in person for the first time in four years.

June 13, 2023

On June 2, 2023, the Vanier Institute hosted a board meeting in person for the first time in four years, thus marking a significant milestone for our organization.

As our first in-person gathering of the full Vanier Institute Team since before the COVID-19 pandemic, this event had been eagerly anticipated by staff and board alike. With renewed energy and enthusiasm, we convened at the Vanier office in Ottawa to reflect on our mission progress and set the course for several busy and high-profile years ahead.

“Progress is well under way on our comprehensive update on the state of families in Canada, which will be released in 2024 during the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family. This publication, Families Count V, will illustrate the ways in which families in Canada differ that are fundamental to their wellbeing. With our diverse and talented team of staff, partners, and affiliates from across the country, we are better prepared understand these differences in order to foster pathways to family wellbeing,” said Dr. Norah Keating, PhD, Chair of the Vanier Institute Board of Directors

A major agenda item of the board meeting was the culmination of months of planning and collaboration with the board: the finalization of our strategic plan. With collective input from staff, the document emerged as a comprehensive blueprint that will guide our focus and activities. The plan encapsulates our mission, vision, and core values, along with a clear roadmap of objectives and strategies to guide our projects and programs.

Dr. Margo Hilbrecht, PhD, Executive Director at the Vanier Institute, noted, “With a solid roadmap in place, we are ready to navigate the challenges ahead and make a meaningful impact. As we move forward, we will carry the support social innovation that defined this year’s meeting and look forward to future conversations.”