November 24, 2020

Jack Jedwab and ACS Receive the 2020 Mirabelli-Glossop Award

Jack Jedwab and his team are recipients of the 2020 Mirabelli-Glossop Award.

November 24, 2020

The Vanier Institute of the Family congratulates Jack Jedwab, PhD, and the team at the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), recipients of the 2020 Mirabelli-Glossop Award for Distinguished Contribution!

Named after Vanier Institute executive emeriti Alan Mirabelli (former Executive Director of Administration, 1975–2007) and Robert Glossop, PhD (former Executive Director of Research and Programs, 1975–2006), this award is presented in recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the Vanier Institute’s mission to understand families in Canada, family life and family experiences, expectations and aspirations; and to understand how families interact with, have an impact on and are affected by social, economic, environmental and cultural forces.

Jedwab, president of ACS and the Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration, has led an incredible team through a truly unique period in our nation’s history. With COVID-19 impacting families and family life across Canada and around the world, timely research and data on what people are thinking, how they and their families are doing, and how they are reacting and responding has taken on growing importance.

Those who study, serve and support families in Canada will continue to benefit from the quick formation and activation of the COVID-19 Social Impacts Network, which provided weekly survey data and thoughtful analysis to those who study, serve and support families. The Institute was honoured to have joined Jedwab and Research Director Paul Holley, PhD, as well as the rest of the ACS team, in co-hosting and discussing this research at the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Well-Being in Canada conference, held May 15, 2020 on International Day of Families.

Through their expertise and commitment, Jedwab and the ACS team have significantly contributed to a growing knowledge base that people across Canada and around the world can draw from to learn about families and family experiences – a valuable national asset that is supporting the development of evidence-informed policies and programs, expediting research to practice and transforming information into understanding.

Jedwab has also been a valuable member of the Advisory Group for the Family Well-being Index, which has benefitted from his feedback and years of experience – work that we are excited to continue into 2021 and beyond.

Glossop presented the award at the Institute’s virtual 2020 Annual General Meeting, held on November 23, 2020.