July 13, 2022
2021 Census Release on Families, Households and Marital Status Now Available
Statistics Canada has published 2021 Census content on family households.
July 13, 2022
Today, Statistics Canada released data and analyses from the 2021 Census on families, households, and marital status. This highly anticipated release provides Canadians with its first updated portrait of family households during the pandemic, and is the agency’s first to report on the gender diversity of couples in Canada.
Today’s release included information on family structure, marital status, living arrangements, foster children, couples with and without children, and a variety of other topics related to family households across the country. This accompanies additional releases on the income of Canadians and on those who serve (or have served) in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Make sure to follow the Vanier Institute on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where we’ll be sharing the new data, insights, and links to analytical articles planned for release this summer and fall.
In anticipation of this release, we recently were joined by Nora Galbraith, a senior analyst at the Centre for Demography at Statistics Canada, to discuss how families are measured in the census, what it really tells us about families, and what’s new.
Read Canada’s “Family Portrait”: Measuring Families in the Census
Today’s census release on families includes the following resources:
- Home alone: More persons living solo than ever before, but roomies the fastest growing household type
- State of the union: Canada leads the G7 with nearly one-quarter of couples living common law, driven by Quebec
- Families, households, and marital status (data tables)
- A portrait of Canada’s families in 2021
Statistics Canada will publish additional analysis and resources based on this data in coming months.
For those interested in an introductory “guided tour” of this census release, Statistics Canada will be hosting a free webinar providing a basic overview of its key results, with Statistics Canada representatives available to answer questions. Sign up today!
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