Photo (from left to right): The Honourable Sheilah L. Martin, Supreme Court of Canada; Rollie Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Law, Dalhousie University; Laurel Sakaluk, Board Member, Vanier Institute of the Family; The Honourable Associate Chief Justice, Gwen B. Hatch (Family Division), Manitoba Court of King’s Bench.
June 26, 2024
Laurel Sakaluk presents at the Family Division of the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench
Laurel Sakaluk presents at the 40th Anniversary of the Family Division of the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench.
On June 21, 2024, Laurel Sakaluk, board member and Program Committee Chair at the Vanier Institute of the Family, attended the 40th Anniversary of the Family Division of the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench and highlighted important changes in Manitoba’s family law legislation and the significant improvements made through the development of innovative court case flow models in child protection and family law.
The Honourable Sheilah L. Martin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, provided the keynote address and Professor Emeritus Rollie Thompson of the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie University spoke on “The Family in the Eyes of the Law.” Laurel presented “An Overview of the Canadian Family.” She stated, “It was an honour to be part of the event that celebrated the history and accomplishments of the Family Division of the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench, recognized for the transformative systemic changes it has implemented to support meaningful access to justice.”
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