
Families Count 2024

Vanier Institute’s new resource explores three decades of change, continuity, and complexity among families in Canada. Released during the International Year of the Family’s 30th anniversary, Families Count 2024 provides statistical portraits of families in Canada, highlights trends over time, and offers insights on what it all means for families and family life.


The Vanier Institute of the Family is pleased to present Families Count 2024. Drawing on the latest statistics and research, this publication informs readers about how families in Canada have changed (and not changed) over the past few decades. Families Count 2024 is organized into four main sections based on the components of the Vanier Institute’s Family Diversities and Wellbeing Framework: Family Structure, Family Work, Family Identity, and Family Wellbeing.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations International Year of the Family. Throughout the year, the Vanier Institute is working with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to recognize and articulate

its global agenda to support family wellbeing in societies around the world. The Vanier Institute published the first edition of Families Count in 1994 to provide a foundation for the discussions and debates of that year. This year’s 30th anniversary provides an opportunity to re-engage in these important conversations, which we support with new information and research.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has also provided momentum and focus for Families Count 2024. In 2015, Canada joined 192 member states in adopting this framework for action at the United Nations General Assembly. Many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the heart of this agenda are closely intertwined with family wellbeing, addressing issues such as poverty, hunger, inequalities, and education. At the halfway point between Canada’s adoption of the framework and its end date of 2030, timely and accurate information on families can help inform actions that will drive progress toward the goals.

Families Count 2024 presents data and findings in a way that is accessible to a wide range of audiences. The goals of this publication are to enhance the national understanding of families; to stimulate conversations among policymakers, educators, researchers, and journalists; and to strengthen the evidence base to facilitate the development of policies, programs, and services to enhance the wellbeing of all families in Canada.

Norah Keating, Board Chair

Margo Hilbrecht, Executive Director