August 11, 2022
Research Snapshot: Access to Postnatal Healthcare and Supports Among Syrian Refugee Mothers
Findings from a study on the postnatal experiences of Syrian refugee mothers in Canada.
August 11, 2022
Since 2014, civil war in Syria has led to tens of thousands of refugees moving to Canada, which has prioritized the resettlement of young Syrian families, women, and children. Most resettled Syrian refugee women in Canada are of childbearing age, and many arrived pregnant, had recently given birth, or had young families.
This Research Snapshot shares findings from a qualitative study that exploring the perceptions and experiences of postnatal supports and services received by Syrian refugee mothers in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Researchers interviewed 11 resettled women who had given birth in the previous five years. Key themes that emerged included the importance of social support; structural barriers in accessing quality healthcare; negative interactions with healthcare providers; and valued supports provided by culturally specific care clinics, doulas, and private sponsorship organizations.
This research builds on our growing understanding of the Family Identity lens of the Vanier Institute’s Family Diversities and Wellbeing Framework.
Stirling Cameron, E., Aston, M., Ramos, H., Kuri, M., & Jackson, L. (2022). The postnatal experiences of resettled Syrian refugee women: Access to healthcare and social support in Nova Scotia, Canada. Midwifery, 104, 103171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103171
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